“Practical aspects of international arbitration – Professional careers”

Emilio Villano will be one of the speakers of the forth session of the seminar “International arbitration: a practical analysis and a future outlook”. The event is organized by ELSA (The European Law Students Association), Turin Section, and will take place at Luigi Einaudi Campus (University of Turin). For further

Cristina Martinetti will talk about comparative profiles during a lecture series organized by the University of Turin – Law Department.

Cristina Martinetti will be one of the speakers of the third session of the seminar “International arbitration: a practical analysis and a future outlook”. The event is organized by ELSA (The European Law Students Association), Turin Section, and will take place at Luigi Einaudi Campus (University of Turin). For further

Second part of the two-half-day webinar dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various aspects of international construction contracts. The event, organized by the ICC Institute of World Business Law, will be in Spanish version for SMEs in Latin America. Cristina Martinetti is one of the speakers. For furhter

First part of a two-half-day webinar dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various aspects of international construction contracts. Following the success of the event organized in 2023, a Spanish version for SMEs in Latin America is proposed by the ICC Institute of World Business Law. Cristina Martinetti is

Second webinar included in the basic course on international contracts organised by the Treviso – Belluno Dolomites Chamber of Commerce. Speaker: Paolo Lombardi. For further information, see the following link: https://www.tb.camcom.gov.it/CCIAA_formazione.asp?cod=2318

Paolo Lombardi is speaker of this webinar included in the basic course on international contracts organised by the Treviso – Belluno Dolomites Chamber of Commerce. For further information, see the following link: https://www.tb.camcom.gov.it/CCIAA_formazione.asp?cod=2318

Cristina Martinetti (with recorded speech) will be one of the speakers at the second meeting on the drafting of company statutes dedicated to statutory clauses during the life of the company. The course is organised by the ODCEC (Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts) of Turin. For further information, see

Nicolò Maggiora will illustrate the main clauses contained in international commercial contractual instruments as well as explore guidelines on the choice of law applicable to the contract and methods of dispute resolution. The webinar is organized by Lombardia Point and Enterprise Europe Network. For further details, see the following link:

Instant webinar organized by AICE on critical issues of the interntational commerce in the Red Sea area. Speaker: Paolo Lombardi. For further details, see the following link: https://www.aicebiz.com/it/associazioni/categoria/aice/it/formazione/seminari/I-conflitti-nel-canale-di-Suez-conseguenti-criticita-nei-contratti-commerciali-internazionali/