“International sale contracts and transport of goods: understanding and dealing with defects, loss or damage of goods or delay in arrival at destination”

Paolo Lombardi will talk about international sales and liability for defects in the relationship between seller and buyer. The webinar is organised by AICE (Italian Association of Foreign Trade). Full programme at the following link: https://www.aicebiz.com/it/associazioni/categoria/aice/it/formazione/seminari/Contratti-di-compravendita-internazionale-e-trasporto-delle-merci-capire-e-gestire-le-problematiche-relative-ai-vizi-perdita-o-avaria-dei-beni-o-al-ritardo-nellarrivo-a-destino/

Author: Paolo Lombardi
Date: 30/11/2023
Typology: Webinar
Organizer / City: AICE (Italian Association of Foreign Trade)

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